
The EUMETSAT Performing Music Club is sponsored by SAC-SAS (or Staff Association Committee - Social Activities Sub-Committee) and is run by EUMETSAT employees with the purpose of enabling and encouraging the performance of music in EUMETSAT.

Chairman: Nicholas Coyne

Treasurer: Daniele Innorta

The idea is to support employees (and their family members and partners) who would like to play music during their free time, by providing a room and some basic equipment to practice music, individually or in groups.

Club members can use the SAC/Music Room for individual practicing by contacting the chairman or the treasurer

A symbolic membership-fee is required to be allowed to use the room. The standard yearly fee is 15 Eur. For the payment, please get in touch with the club treasurer Daniele Innorta.

We are working on a new site. The old site was lost due to a change of server.

Eumetsat Music Club